Inquiries, suppliers, compliments, complaints, talk to your aunty!
Jacqui is usually not available from 3pm onwards on weekdays. Please feel free to contact Graeme if you are struggling to get hold of her. Or try again the following morning.

Sometimes emails can be delayed. get lost. or end up in spam folders. Should you not recieve a fairly prompt response from us, on any inquiry or order placed via email. please consider contacting us through whatsapp or normal phone call.
Quick navigate:
To the shop.
To the antisocials.
Please don’t hesitate to contact us. Any suggestions, ideas or requests. We’d love to hear from you.
Note that in addition to our available stock, we can also build props for your adverts, billboards, online content, business, or whatever you need weird goodies for. Contact Graeme directly.
And Finally, Small props for the stage or film sets, Aunt Millies got you. Drop Graeme a whatsapp and let us have a chat. Just make sure to not leave it too late.